Saturday, June 22, 2013

One in a Million...

     Everyone, it seems like, is determined to one day find that one in a million, the one, that they will ride off into the sunset with in the end of the story. People act as if it's impossible to find this person, or that when they finally do find someone they connect with, are close with, and then that person is, poof, gone out of their life, they give up. They say "there was no one else out there for me" or "that was the one". That might be true that they did in fact find that "One in a million" but I feel like people are just so narrowly gazed at the situation, they don't contemplate the fact that there is over 7 Billion people in this world.  There is more than one, one in a million, out there just waiting for them to find them...don't give up. Yes, you might of lost one of them, but there are hundreds more.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Life Sucks...

Life Sucks...
      That one short sentence holds so much weight that just about every person can relate to. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot in life that is unconditionally amazing and breath taking, sucks. To further the understanding of my statement is in retrospect of life, when life finally gets to the point where everything is working out and your heart and mind is almost walking on air, that is the point where in a short period of time, your life is going to come crashing down, someway-somehow.
       Just recently, my life was at the top notch level of existence. I finally was making my weight goals, (got my two pack heck ya!!), school was out for the year, and a guy that I had been so close to for years, who was my best friend, had recently got dumped by his girl friend and him and I started hanging out a great deal more than before. He acted in a way that he seemed like he was over the break up that I had been helping him through, and for the first time we stepped into a new level of our relationship, and it worked. For the first time in my life, a relationship with a guy came easy and felt right. I was at a state of bliss, I was happy, and everything was significantly falling into place. But that one thing, one thing I didn't prepare for, was that life always will throw a curve ball after a home run.
        His ex wanted him back , which of course he gladly went back with open arms, and I was left confused and hurt in a way I have never realized I ever could be. Let me add, I have been thrown a lot of crap at in my life, I am pretty tough, so the way I was hurt perplexed me. I proceeded to react, dare I say, in a very immature way making a colossus mess, and leaving one of my closest and most important friendships broken so immensely, that I fear will never be repaired.
      My story is not for the intention of sympathy, but for the idea of understanding the point I am trying to get across. We are humans with feelings, fragile beings persay. It is important to always be prepared for what ever may come our way. Though remember, life is not all bad, actually it is far from it. It's just that the worst moments in our life, though in broad view are little specs of importance in the whole picture, impact and engrave in our emotional memory that for us it comes naturally for the hurt and the pain to be the first thing we can remember or go back to.
        Will this weighted message I need to add like I've said before, "After every storm there is always a rainbow". I noticed something the other day when my friend sent me a double frownie face :(:( in a text message. I noticed that the more frownie faces their were, the more smiley faces that hide just between the lines. Life might hit rock bottom now and again, but things will eventually get better.
       Pain and grief isn't permanent...and it never will be.