Anyone else notice that I never posted last Tuesday?? Sorry about that I will have my Money Issues post published on Friday. Thank you again for all of your guys' support! And without further ado, now to this weeks post. a very common thing. As a teenager, and now college student, boredom was and is a very common sickness I have developed. Now understand, it is and has been, a rare occasion that I am not busy. I have been working at different jobs nonstop and juggling school since I was a freshman in High School. Then add all the extracurricular activities I was involved in, it wasn't very often that I had free time. Yet, some how, at least a few times a week, I was bored and oh man did I voice it to the world that I was bored, as if some how it was the world's fault and someone needed to rescue me.
Here is what I have learned. We get bored and restless with ourselves at different moments. We want to go out, party, date, watch a movie, just something right? Or if you are like how I was, you use being bored as an excuse to procrastinate on homework (I know a few of you laughed and nodded). But we tend to blame us being restless on others or things. For example, money, friends are busy, homework, nothing to do. But honestly the only reason you are bored, is because of you.
If you don't have any money or don't know what to do, play cards, a board game, go on a walk or a hike. Take a bike ride around town. Sing, write, watch a movie at home. Honestly google or pintrest it and you will find an endless supply of ideas.
Friends are busy? Who cares, go out on your own. By going out on your own, your are abling yourself to get to have some personal one on one time to get back in tune with who you are individually. Here is a crazy thought...hang out with your family! Make new friends.
Homework? If there is anything that I have learned, just do it. Finish it before the last second. It is that simple.
Don't like anything on here, change your perspective or take a nap. That is all I have to say.
People, Enjoy life while you have it. Take every moment in, because before you know it, it will be gone. And personally I would rather know I did something, anything, than looking back and seeing all the time I wasted.
Your'e blog is awesome and your commitment to posting weekly is somewhat inspiring, keep it up and dont be bord play video games ;)