Friday, October 25, 2013

I Am Mormon And I Believe In Gay Rights...

     In complete and total honesty I do not want to drag religion into this blog, though I understand my title may have already done that already. My point is to say that people need to understand that society tends to stereotype certain people and Mormons tend to be one of them. Some say that we "Mormons" are completely and utterly against gays. You are wrong, and I am here to say uh hey...I'm not.
     First of all, I hate how people call them "Gays" they are people for crying out loud. We don't walk around the street talking in conversation saying, "Why oh yes we straights blah blah blah blah blah..." It would be absurd and plain right weird to do so. They are bleeding, breathing, living human beings who were born just like you or me. There is nothing wrong with them, they are just different than what society deems as normal. But how is that a bad thing. I'm not normal, ha, I am one of the weirdest individuals out of any of my friends that I know of, I think differently, I act differently, and It is perfectly okay.
     Now this is how I will tie religion into this, and I am sorry if this upsets any readers. God teaches us to love one another, God teaches us to care for one another, and most of all God teaches us not to judge one another. If it is not your life, then why should you care.
      Everyone has the right to live, act, and be the way that they choose. We were given free agency. Anyone and everyone has the right to either believe in god or not to believe in god. We all have the right to have sex now or wait till we are married (Sorry for my bluntness). People drink and people do drugs, do I wish that they didn't, of course I do especially if it's someone I deeply care about, but am I going to tell them they are all sinners and going to Hell, of course not that was there choice to do those things not mine. It is not my right or anyone elses right to judge how people decide to live their lives, because it is not my life, it is theirs. Now if their actions were to put anyone in harms way, that's a different story, but other than that, you nor I have any type of right to tell anyone how to chose to live their life.
     I was taught, and I believe, that god loves his children. He loves every single one of us for our good parts and our bad. I would never believe, for a second, he would ever turn his back on a child of god just because the place they found love in, is different then what it was in the past (If it is different). But my point is for any religious or non religious people out there who are focused on the scriptures "A marriage should be between a man and a woman" understand that there are more scriptures that states to not judge and love thy neighbor. You can't use one scripture as a basis of an argument while ignoring all the others.
     In short  religious or non religious "gays" are people who are just living their life. Whether you like it or not they are still people and have rights. Give it a rest and live your own a good way of course.

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