Let’s face it, the position of being single and alone is a very, very popular subject. You might be in a serious relationship and you are trying to give singles advice, or you’re single and you’re sick and tired of other people trying to give you advice. If you are not apart of any side, you then fall into the other category.I, myself, am on the single side of this issue, if we can even call this an issue. So far in my life I haven’t had many long term relationships. Which means, a majority of my life I have not had a significant other. So trust me when I say, I understand being what it's like being single.
To begin, let me just set the ground floor, you know, dismiss some myths. First of all, just because someone is single, does not mean the number one thing they want, is a boyfriend or girlfriend. Yes, there are nights when I wish I had someone to sunggle up with, eat take out, and watch Bones with me. But that, in no way means, I need a relationship. Remember, almost my entire understanding of how to survive in this world, is on my own. The idea of having someone else to worry about, to have weight in all my decision, or to even open up to, is not in my comfort zone. My main focuses are my family and friends, work, and school. There are more important things to me than finding someone this second.
The next myth, is just because I am alone right now, does not mean, in any way, that I am going to be alone forever. Just because someone is single and not actively searching for a partner, has no jurisdiction how their future will play out. For instance, I’m not looking for a relationship, but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to dating if someone comes along.
If you are single, there is nothing wrong with you. It gets lonely sometimes. Every once in awhile you’ll wake up at night, wishing someone was next to you. At any moment you might see a couple holding hands and realize you want that. You might, during the holiday season, secretly hope that next year you’ll be spending it with someone you love, instead of being surrounded by other couples. I can’t promise you that some nights, it won’t suck. But understand that doesn't mean, at all, that there is something that is wrong with you. Or that there isn't other things in your life that can make you happy.
And for any of you, who for some reason, feel like it’s your job to help others that aren’t in a relationship like you are. Please understand, you might makes someone feel bad if you are constantly trying to fix them up with other people, or questioning their social life. Love them for who they are, and be there for them in what ever way they want you to be. Because if you are their friend, or family member, you are the most important people in their life right now, who they care for. No one wants to feel like someone they love, thinks that their standing in life right now, is not adequate.
Life is a marvelous and wonderful thing. That, although has some bad ingredients to it, is filled with beautiful moments and characteristics. Love is out there. You’ll find it in time. If you are alone, enjoy the little blessings you have around you and just be happy with what have right now. If you are not alone, appreciate the person you’re with. Don’t take love for granted.
Life is a journey, embrace every step.
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