Friday, March 11, 2011


    Life...How can things be so great one day and just horrible the next. Yeah, I know it's life, but seriously it's so hard to really rap your brain around this. I know that teens like myself have so many mixed hormones but seriously come on! Why do we care about so many things! What are clothes look like, who's hot, who's not, how do we look, what does he think, I can't believe she said that, Who said that behind my back, we don't all have the brain power capacity to handle this. When we can't handle this we break down, and when we break down it causes a lot more drama to add on. BUT there are also those days where everything goes right, where your friends make you smile, and when you feel like you could handle anything. I ask questions like this all the time...and I get the same's life. But then answer me this, why can no one ever give a clear description on what life is in a deep tell me...

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