"Loving someone means you only want the best for him even if it means swallowing the sad reality that the best just isn’t you."
You can say you really care about a person, but you don't really mean it until you start putting them first before yourself. Life isn't about always getting what you want. Its about making sure the people you care about come first, not you.
There might be a time in your life where you are falling in love with someone that is in love with someone else. You sit there listening about how they found this amazing person who makes them feel so...special. While you sit there and smile, even though you are dying inside.
Here is the thing, if you honestly care about this person, and this other girl makes them happy. Then you should care more about them being happy, which means that sometimes that means you will have to suck it up even if it hurts. It will hurt, hearing him talk about this, and all you can do is try to be the best friend as you can and support him.
And if you truly like him, then they are worth the wait...
wow your so freakin deep gosh you make me jealous. you hit home just perefectly and i can totally relate but yah your awsome i think you should get more followers