Thursday, July 7, 2011


Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
- Maria Robinson

The fact is, in life, things will change and effect our life in a way we can never imagine.

Life never stops long enough for us to catch a break in this world, and will never stay the same forever.

Here is the deal though, for all you people out there, you just need to take what you get and make the best of it.

Life will never hit you easy and the thing is, there are things in life that don't seem fair. People change, people go, and people die. It's hard to understand but, things happen in life and there is no way to go back in time and change the past. You just can't.There is this one saying I heard and I can't remember who its by or the saying word for word it says something like... sometimes we watch the door close and we keep looking at it so long we don't notice when the other doors opening.

There are things in life that hurt us, knock us down, and kick us to the curb. And we sit here watching the past asking, "How could this happen? This doesn't make sense." We are hurt so bad it leaves us in shock, but we can't hold on and keep asking ourselves the same question and never move forward, Because it's true. When we wrap yourself into the change and the past we can't see the different doors and opportunities opening for us.

You don't have to let go of the past. Treasure your memorable memories and learn from the bad. Though life might knock you down, make you cry, or break your heart. Know that even though things are time... you will adapt. It has been said A LOT but it's true. Change is apart of life and apart of everything, but in life...somehow it finds away to adapt to the change and make a new ending.

Our life is't set in stone...the reason is because anything and everything can change in a blink of an eye. Treasure what you have now...Cause it can be gone tomorrow.

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