Monday, June 20, 2011

After a Storm...

Can you tell me that everything is going to be back to normal?
That everything will be alright?
This question seems to be asked around a lot and we seem to always get the same answer, "Yes it will just give it time." Now that is a very valid answer, but is it the honest truth?
What I think the most honest answer is, "Things will never be the same...but that doesn't mean life won't get better."
The truth is, once you have experienced something that just knocks you down. Life will never go back to the way it once was. For example, when you get a deep cut in your skin...there will always be a scar left over. That is the same way in life... there will always be a lingering mark after a hard experience in life.
But that doesn't mean life won't get better, because it will if you let it. As long as you move on and give things time it will get better.
Do you know the saying, "After every storm there is a Rainbow"?
You only get to live this life once...don't let the scars keep you from living it...

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