Saturday, June 18, 2011

You just never know....

****SIDE NOTE****
Sorry I haven't typed lately just been busy but will try to update the blog everyday(:

So here is something I just noticed, that I am sure all of you have realized way before me. So this is old news, But, in life...almost everything never goes as planned. But to be painfully honest that's just life right? If life was a straight and smooth road it wouldn't be right.
I mean if life was easy we wouldn't have such great songs on the radio, or half as many stories to talk about. Life is just never what we expect period...
But the lesson to be learned here is very simple... with every changed plan, spontaneous event, or problem that gets in your way... don't obsess on how its not what you wanted or expected...Take what you got and go with it.... Because you never know,It might turn out better then you expected....

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