Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not so funny thing...

It's a funny thing how you can go into a relationship and at the beginning think nothing of it. That you don't think it will last that long...but it ends up to be a relationship where you care for the person more then you ever have for someone in a long time... or ever. But you also know, its going to be the most hurtful one, because you're never going to want to let go and you know in the future when ever it does break it will be the hardest to get over.
It's scary to think that one of the best relationships that I have ever been in seems to have an expiration date. Don't get me wrong I don't want it all...but you can tell sometimes that the separation is taking an effect on not just you, but on the other as well...
I'm in love with a guy for the first time...
It hurts so much when I cant see him or talk to him...
But when I am with him I don't care about the pain I just wanna be with him...
Then i wonder, if its hurting him as it selfish for me to hold on?

"You and me" - Lifehouse ( No matter where life will take me that will always be my favorite song... for many reasons...)

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