Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day...

So today is Father's Day and it just got me thinking (I seem to do that alot) that Father's Day has a deeper meaning to alot of people that I and alot of us dont always consider.

There are people who get to see their father every day and take it for granted. (Heard that before?) But this is so true. For us teenagers we look at ar fathers and dads and just see someone who though we love them they also are our restrictions. This is the guy who has the final say of everything and says no... this is how we take them for granted.

Fathers are so much more then just an adult figure. They are (with the help of moms don't forget) the ones who raise us up, provide for the family so you can hang with your friends, and they care for us and love us more then we realize. They are the ones that made us who we are today.

There are people out there that take these memories and hold on to them dearly, because they dont get to see their father like we do. Whether it is there father has died, they serve in the military, or are just gone.

These people charish the little time with their fathers as they can. They can see the true importance of fathers. Like I have said before, look at things from different perspectives. Like for today, don't look as it as just any old day that you give your dad a card.

Take today and think back on all the good memories and remember of why you love your dad and so thankful that he is your father. Because you don't know how many memories in the future you will have with him. Charish every moment you have.

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