Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Don't Sugar Coat The Truth...

Don't you just hate it when people play games on with your mind and your emotions?
     I am a pretty mater of fact person and most would agree that the phrase I just didn't want to hurt your feelings is a total shmuck of line.
     Just because you think you know us well enough doesn't mean that pretending to feel or say certain things is going to spare our feelings. I can only really speak for myself here, though I am pretty sure I am not alone on this one.
     I say, tell it to me straight, don't lie to my face. Whether it is in relationships, friendships, characteristics, talents or whatever, don't lie to spare ones pride or feelings, Because if any of you out there are like me you are going to want to believe them. Then you hold on to things that have already got up and left, when you are still right there waiting and getting your hopes up just to fall in the end.
     I know for a fact I am not the smartest, prettiest, thinnest, or most talented girl in this world let alone my home town. I am not ashamed of who I am, because I am me and I am not going to try to change who I am to please anyone else or anything. But I don't want to hold on to things or people when I shouldn't.
     Don't lie to my face thinking you are trying to protect me...because you are not.
It will hurt worse later on because one, you lied. Two, I was believing on false hopes.

Life is way to short, in the words of my friend Kasey who passed away June 30th 2011, "Don't sugar coat the truth. Life is already hard as it is and you aren't making it any easier by not telling them the truth."

Life is to short to be standing in the past...Because life never stops and waits for you...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Reality Check...

"The worst way to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know you can never have them."

     I got slapped in the face with reality today when talking to a friend. He said that if I honestly cared so much for this guy, That then I never really could of moved on yet. All I am doing is pretending the feelings aren't there, and acting like I honestly am happy that he is dating someone else.
     I told him he was wrong, that I was happy and I did move on...
 But today when I was sick, and when I am sick I have these vivid dreams and they feel all to real. And the dreams themselves are not like regular dreams, there is nothing to set them apart from reality. I had a dream about him, I was sick and he was there. So many feelings came flooding back and I realized they never left.
     Does this mean I am now not okay that he is dating someone else?
No, I am fine that he is. I am glad he is happy and I am not just saying that. All this means is, the reason It can never seem to work out with anyone else, is because I am still not over this one person.
     Let me tell it to you straight...There are going to be times where your best friend or guy you truly like is going to be standing right next to you, and all you can do is put a smile face and pretend that your heart is not breaking with every word he speaks from his mouth. That you are not in pain or inches away from your breaking point...
    Because the truth is, If you really care about someone,they come first. That even if it hurts you for them to be happy, you will do it.
    Time keeps ticking, and you never will know what lays in the future. Maybe things will work out for you in the end, But there is no use on trying to change what has already been done. The more you complain about a guy who is taken, the worse it will be. All you can do is keep your head up high and keep walking forward.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What Valentines Day Is Truly All About...

Can we please get something clear here?
      Valentines day has turned into this battle of the "Couples" vs. "Singles"!
     Valentines day is a holiday meant for showing you care about someone OR someoneS, it is not just for "The couples". If you don't have a special person in your life then instead of crying a river or turning all anti valentines day, why don't you just try and make someone else's day who needs it for a change. Show them they aren't forgotten, and stop being so self absorbed and get over the fact you are single. Because it is NOT about the expensive gifts or the fancy things, it's about showing someone or someone else they matter.
Don't get so focused on what a guy/girl should get you. Try to make someone else shine for the day.
      Some say that Valentines Day is pathetic because people should act this way everyday. It's true, everyday you should strive to show that you care about the people around you, but Valentines day is a day that you can go the extra mile and make someone else you're priority.
      Every year I pick a person that I know is either feeling down, upset, or just needs a pick me up and I focus on them. I still try to make everyone around me feel loved, but I try to especially make that one person's day. (You can tell this is my favorite holiday can't you?)
      Today I decorated the entry to the classroom with sticky notes and letters saying yes, no, maybe, and sweet little sayings. I led it to his seat where a huge stuffed teddy bear was sitting in his seat with roses, chocolate, and a note saying, "Will you be my Valentine?" I didn't go all and get anything expensive, I just took the time to actually prepare an idea.
      To be honest, it made his day. I am pretty sure I never caught him not smiling. I am not dating this guy, or have a huge crush on him, He is just one of my friends that I decided to show he mattered, That I cared that he was here.
      Now you don't have to do anything on the lines that I did, but can you see what I am getting at here?
Valentines day is the one holiday that is legitly only about trying to show people that you care, that they matter here. Stop talking down about it, or hating on this day because you are alone, or you don't get anything.
      But hear me when I say...YOU MATTER!
      And instead about wallowing in the fact you don't have someone to share it with, or he/she didn't do anything. Change your thinking to how can I make someone else smile.
That is what February 14th (Valentines Day) is all about, at least to me it is...