Thursday, June 21, 2012

When A Friend Dies...

"Never Forgotten"
     For those of you who have read my blog you might of noticed that about a year ago my friend had past away. With the days coming closer to the day that she past away, I have found that, what seemed a little easy to cope with during the year, is becoming harder, like a fresh cut, and beginning to become difficult to to handle. The feeling of loss, regret, pain, all seem repeat its self day after day, wearing me down.
     Those of you who have lost someone in your life can probably relate to what I am saying, but for those who can't, I will break it down and start from the beginning....
     I met Kasey in elementary on a club volleyball team and man, did I look up to her. She could spike and hit that volleyball like I never saw someone our age hit. I thought for sure she had the strength of a hero. She was funny and very perky, always walking up with a big "Hi!" Waving her hand crazily and always making me smile. She really was something else.
     Later in my school years I moved away and then came back. When returning to a school with kids you grew up with once, it can feel like entering a brand new place. The faces looked the same, but the people were completely different. Kasey and this group of friends adopted me in, and believe it or not we became somewhat close. We went to the mall, I took Kasey's brother trick or treating with her one Halloween night, and she became someone who would listen to my problems and then slap me in the face with the truth I needed to hear.
    Now, getting to the point of my story, about a year ago, a couple weeks before her death, she had attended girls camp with her best friend who is my friend as well. I had missed Kasey because we had grown apart and were now reconnecting. I was going to give her a letter, because at camp you can send letters to other girls that are sent out at night like a little goodnight note, and I wanted to tell her about how much she truly did mean to me. To be honest, she got me through a lot, more than she never probably knew she had. I had a gut feeling I should tell her, I needed to tell her, these things I wanted to say. There was so much over the years, that I just never told her. Needless to say, I got caught up in my own life, my own drama, that I never got around to sending that letter... I meant to give it to her later but as you can see...that didn't happen.  I still have to this day and all it has on it is, "Dear Kasey, "
     There are certain things I still regret. I wish so much I would of sent that letter. If I wouldn't of been so self conscious maybe she would of gotten to see it before it was too late. My point of this is not to wallow in my misery, or the fact of me missing my friend, or tell of my regrets, but to teach or at least tell one major lesson I got out of all of this... 
     You never know what is going to happen between today and tomorrow. But don't get caught up in yourself, your problems, and your pain. Now don't take this the wrong way, you should still care about yourself, but don't let it get in the way of taking in everything and everyone around you. Live your life in a way that you won't have a regret if you died tomorrow. Tell everyone you care about, that you care about them and what they mean to you, because you never know when your last day...or theirs...will come.

     I miss Kasey and I wish everyday that I could see her one more time just to tell her the things that I wanted to say. I will never forget her...ever....don't make the same mistake I did...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

What I Thought Then, Is Different Now...

"I'm mad at myself, not you. I'm mad for always being nice. I'm mad for apologizing for things I didn't do. I am mad for getting attached. I am mad for thinking about you, but most of all I am mad for not hating you when I should."

      I don't know what it is, but we all seem to get caught up in a moment and loose sight on every sensible intelligent bone in our body. When looking back we think, "What the heck was I thinking." We tend to get so focused on what is going on right now, right in front of our faces, that we don't stop to think in a broader horizon.
     The reason I say this is simple. I was thinking back on the moments that, at the time, I thought were going to be the greatest moments of my high school life. I was happy. The things that use to make me upset, didn't seem to bug me anymore. Things for the first time, seemed to be working out and falling into place. I was finally able to let my guard down and open myself to the possibility that this time was different. He was different. But he wasn't...
     Now don't get me wrong here, I don't hate him, I don't blame him, or wish any cruel thing upon him. But I do hate myself for not seeing the signs. The truth is...there was so much there that I should of noticed. The repeat of his history, the same old sappy sayings, and the biggest of all, the times I was at the lowest point in my life, he didn't know what to say. And honestly, its not what he couldn't say, but it wasn't right. If it was right, I should of wanted to talk out everything with him, let him in on my deepest emotions. But I didn't... I actually didn't feel comfortable talking about those things. Yet, I still kept falling...
     The point is...Now, looking back I noticed everything that I missed. How the times I cried myself to sleep(You might think is a silly girl thing), times I would wait for him to get online just so I could say hi, and the pain I single handedly set myself up for, it didn't have to happen. But the thing is, I didn't notice... I got so absorbed with what was going on around me,What I thought I felt, I never stopped to take a step back, and just take everything in.
      I could easily say, "Don't let this be you, don't fall into the same mistakes I have made..." but the thing is, its gonna happen, and hopefully, one day, you'll make the right choice. I just want to say, when it does happen, please, don't hate yourself because you cared. Don't hate yourself, for giving people/ the person the benefit of the doubt. The truth is, this world needs people that give hope and that care about something for a change. Life, as many times as it is stated, is never an easy road.
     You will get hurt, you will cry, you will make mistakes...but that is just life...Don't beat yourself over it. Just take it one day at a time... You'll be surprised how far you can go.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

When Life Shoots You Down...

I am sorry that I have not posted in awhile, but it being summer, I plan on posting at least three days a week.
So here we go...
     In life, things will be thrown and shot at us from every direction. Things, that we are not expecting or want to hear. Things that make every muscle in our body body give out with out warning. This can be, difficulty with friends, significant others, death, fights... In short, life is filled with unsuspecting trials that we must go through. But know, that these things are the things that make us who we are and will become.
     Think about it, if it wasn't for that one guy/gal breaking your heart, the car accident, all the time you did or not spend in school, you wouldn't of been where you are today, with out those experiences. It makes us grow and look at life with knowledge and understanding for not only ourselves, but the people around us. We say that the older you are, the wiser you become. But don't you understand why?
     Every thing that has ever knocked us down, made us cry, or made us fall to the ground, because the pain inside is so great, that we feel that nothing could ever take away what has happened. That is what sticks with us. Those are the things that we will remember for the rest of our lives. We look at life differently when we have felt that pain, or seen and gone through those things that left scares in out memory.
     Don't ever loose who you are inside. Remember it is always okay to cry. But know, that every time that you are left crying, feeling alone, having no Idea what to do with your life, you will get through it. It might take days, weeks, months, but time never stops, and hope is always the
re. And where ever there is hope...well you will find you are never truly lost.