Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Don't Give Up Just Yet...

"Good things come to those who believe. Better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don't give up."

     The thing I like about this quote, is that this can fit with so many different things we all go through everyday. For me, at least for now, is that there are things in this life that we have no idea of the outcome. There are just certain things we can't control, feelings we can't read, and futures we can't see. 
     The relationships that we all wish and dream for are not normally met or given to us freely. It is made up of a foundation of nerves, butterflies, and putting your heart on the line for something or someone that you know and pray is worth it. Worth the possible fail, the pain, the heartache that very well could meet you at the other end of that door. But sometimes when we know, deep down, this is different. That risk, the waiting, and the not giving up when at first it doesn't just fall in your lap, could indeed end up being, the greatest thing that happens to you in your life.
      If you have something, anything at all, any person who has made you forget where you were standing, or not notice any of the other people around you, someone who just fit, who made sense, I beg you don't give up quite yet if there are barriers in you way. Don't let go just because it's hard right now. Be patient, fake a smile if you have to, but don't loose the one person who could be the one  who can change your life in a way that no one else can. Yes...there is a chance they will still walk away, But personally, I could deal with that much better than looking back on my past and knowing I was the one who let go and walked away and lost something I've wanted more than anything before, because what if, what if it worked, what if they came back. I would much rather knowing I did everything I could, than to know that I might never know if I could of been that happy.
     Believe, be patient, and don't give least not yet.

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